silk flower genshin impact route
Compared to Mondstadts lush plains Liyues rocky and mountainous geography is less suited for agriculture. Listening to the Rain.
The nation of Liyue is marked by its emphasis on contracts Moraxs ideal.

. The transport co-ordinators will probably moan about the muddy mountain roads again though. This article will list out all the locations to farm this flower in Genshin Impact. Nevertheless places like Qingce Village have managed to build terraced rice fields.
MediaVO_Ganyu When It Rains - Listening to the Rainogg It is something of a luxury but I love listening to the rain from the courtyard. To ascend Qiqi or Xinyan to the highest level players need 168 Violetgrass. Kazari says that in order to complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual one must break the barrier in 5 places and destroy the defilement incarnate that will then come forth.
Genshin Impact World Quest List. I was just thinking that the Silk Flowers at the Feiyun Commerce Guild needed watering. It is said that people from all seven nations of Teyvat flock to Liyue Harbor the economic hub of the continent.
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